Thursday, May 23, 2019

5/23/19, W05 'Cultural Differences Concerning Time'

I found the video by Brother Ivers at BYUI on the concept of monochronic and polychronic time in our cultural paradigms very interesting. I am glad to be aware of this time-perception issue, as the differences in mindsets could cause a lot of misunderstanding. I knew that here in the USA we are very schedule oriented and structured with our priorities focused on policies and rules; except perhaps not as much in the Southern States, I just didn’t know that there are names for the cultural differences concerning time, and how impactful those differences are on understanding each other. I have only lived in monochronic cultures here in the States and in Spain/Southern Europe where I served a church mission.  

I feel that discussing monochronic and polychronic time would be a good topic in adult TESOL classes due to their interactions in the community and at work. For example, if someone from a polychronic culture began working at the company where my husband is employed, it would be very disturbing for the new employee. My husband’s boss doesn’t value relationships. She uses an extreme monochronic approach at the expense of the employees’ morale. I wish she and the leaders like her would see that ruling strictly by tasks and procedures without regard to human needs causes undue suffering. 
Although I feel that neither approach is completely right or wrong, I feel that a happy medium would be ideal. For example, a combined monochronic and polychronic culture where principles from both are valued; relationships are paramount, people aren’t just giving lip service to that notion, and time is respected. I see a culture where the people can say politely ‘no, I’m not interested’, ‘I will see Aunt Jane just as soon as I’m finished’,  where there is a concern for the present, and where we use our networks and connections for the benefit of all.

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